Our Purpose

The South Hilltop Difference
     We are a united front formed to hear from resident citizens about their neighborhood needs and problems. You do not have to be alone in stiving to improve your enjoyment of your home and community.

     The official purpose and function of the SHNA is "to support neighborhood communication by information and sharing related to enhancing and protecting the quality of the neighborhood and of its individual residents".

     Often people may think that there is no one to talk to about their stuggles with city or neighborhood difficulties and needs. Your ideas and opinions can be expressed to and through us. PLease be active and participate.

     Every citizen does and can make a difference in your (our) neighborhood!!

Thank you for your caring about your homes environment.

Your neighbor,

Reuben Drebenstedt - President
The SHNA is a member of the Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation (INC). To find out more about the work that the INC is involved with, go to  www.denverinc.org

The Annual Meeting and Community Forum is held usually in October to summarize what has happened in the past year and to vote in new Board members. The Annual meeting is open to all in the neighborhood.
EMAIL US: southhilltop@southhilltop.org

Board Members

Officers and Directors          
3-21-2023 3-21-2023


President: Reā€™uben Drebenstedt

Secretary: Norman Chandler

Treasurer: Gail Smart


Donna Drebenstedt

Mike Deubeis

Zulfi Wafai

Liz Johnson

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